Ham, Beans & Cornbread

2015-04-20 18.56.41

This is a dish my Mom used to make and she never wrote down the recipe.  I cobbled together a couple different versions I found and have come pretty close to her version.  It’s somewhere between a soup and a stew, and goes perfectly with cornbread.  My Dad used to take a piece of cornbread, put a thin slice of red onion on it, and then cover it in the ham & beans.

It’s tasty, filling, and even better the next day.  Though there is some chopping, the overall prep isn’t too bad.  The cooking time goes on for a bit, but you’re not standing over the stove the whole time by any means.  Usually I’d say this is a great “middle of the winter” dish – and it is – but it was sunny & in the high 70s yesterday and it was still great. 🙂

Full instructions after the jump!
