So, we’ve been doing a top to bottom clear out of the house and in part of that, I got my teapots all cleaned up (so, so dusty!) and made myself a pot of tea today – this wonderful True Honey Ginger Lemon Zest. It’s so good, lightly sweetened with honey *in the bags* and I made my pot and then put it over ice and it’s so very refreshing. I picked mine up at a local festival, and one of our local gift shops also sells it, and you can also shop at their site. I’m usually not big on herbal teas – black teas are my favorite, really, but this is really delicious.

Shot of a bag of True Honey Ginger Lemon Zest tea.
So good!

East Coast Irish Coffee



Mind you, this is technically a double…

1 shot Jameson’s Whiskey
1 shot Bailey’s Irish Cream
Whipped Cream

It will make you warm and happy all over.

For a long time I didn’t realize there was a coast to coast difference – but in the West Coast version, there is no Bailey’s, but a spoonful of raw sugar.  There you go.